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My Work Journey by Deborah Harry, Sparkles Employee

By January 23, 2021No Comments
Deborah Harry Sparkles Cleaning Cardiff Employee


My name is Deborah Harry and I work for Sparkles Cleaning Services Wales and West Ltd, I have been employed since 2018, and in that time, I have received training and have grown as a person. As a kind and caring person, I like to help anyone that I can, more recently to support members of my local community by offering to help those that don’t have transport with their shopping.

I am very proud to say that I’m a work mentor for new staff who join Sparkles. I don’t feel like I’m just a cleaner because of the ongoing training and support provided by Sparkles. It feels good to work for a company that cares about its staff.

I was unemployed for about 10 years, the problem that I was faced with, as so many are, was childcare for my daughter. I had gone through things in my life that made me not trusting, so I couldn’t leave her, this was a major barrier.


Work Journey

I met Charlotte from Sparkles when I attended Sparkle’s Academy at the Adult Learning Centre, it was a 3-day cleaning course and 2 days accreditation and once I had completed the course, I was asked to attend an interview and I was happy to be offered a job with Sparkles. The benefit system took 8 weeks to sort out before I started which I found very stressful. Charlotte was very supportive in overcoming the barriers that I faced with gaining employment, I can’t thank her enough for the help I received, she offered help sort my benefits and put me in touch with the right people, and even got on the phone herself.

Being offered flexible working meant that I could fit my work around school times. It made me positive about working. I feel more confidant and I value myself much more since I started working, and it has helped to boost my social skills.

There are plenty of hours available and as a mentor I like to promote Sparkles, so others know what a good company they are to work for, Sparkles has never asked me to its just something I want and like to do.


The Future

I feel good about my future because working gives me a purpose and being able to show my daughter work ethics makes me happy.